Chandler Borries


Authentic photo and video content has the power to enhance visibility, expand reach, and foster customer loyalty.





Establishing and expanding long-term relationships with your customers relies on the crucial role of high-quality photo and video content, which effectively utilizes emotional storytelling.

“90% of customers say that videos help them make buying decisions.

– Forbes



National Geographic Lodge_Aerial.jpg

About Me

Based in Lisbon, Portugal and raised on the Gulf Coast of Mississippi, I’ve always had a strong desire to see the world. From an early age, I was fortunate to join my family on numerous adventures, immersing myself in the intricacies of how people live across the globe.

As I traversed 45 countries over the course of eight incredible years, documenting the essence of each destination, I gained a profound appreciation for the power of visual storytelling. Through the lens of culture, nature, and adventure, my goal is to tell compelling narratives that inspire and transport viewers to the heart of these moments.

Collaborating with well known brands, I bring the same passion and commitment to each project, translating their stories into captivating visuals that effortlessly captivate audiences. My ultimate mission is to create not just a passive connection, but a compelling call to action that leaves an indelible impact.

Join me on an exciting journey where every frame captures a unique story. Together, we can make a lasting impact and inspire the world.